Friday, October 1, 2010

E7 Ulcer Protocol

The Elixir 7(E7) Purification Combination Therapy
Ulcer Protocol
Ulcers form when the mucus lining of the stomach loses its ability to repel stomach acids. The acids, which digest food, begin to digest your stomach instead. Some of the most common types of ulcers are gastric ulcers, peptic ulcers and duodenal ulcers.
Peptic ulcers are ulcers that have been exposed to any amount of pepsin and are usually found on the duodenum or stomach lining. Gastric ulcers are peptic ulcers located in the stomach and which symptoms are more defined than others. Duodenal ulcers on the other hand are peptic ulcers that are located in the duodenum which begin in the starting point of the small intestine and are the most common in Western Society.
Researchers have also discovered that in addition to stress, ulcers can be triggered by a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori, drinking coffee, taking too much aspirin, smoking and a bad diet can worsen the condition; therefore diet is extremely important for any effective holistic therapy.

The first step in all of the E7 Combination Therapies is to start with a detoxification to rid the body of toxins; these can accumulate in several areas of the body, including glands, digestive tract and blood stream. As toxins collect in our systems, the functions of these systems are negatively affected therefore we must first cleanse our system of impurities for the optimal functioning of our body.

Start with one drop, every hour, for five hours (five per day), for week one. The next week take two drops every hour (ten per day). Continue until you reach three drops or 15 drops per day.

If you notice nausea or diarrhoea, reduce the dose by one drop; reduce for one or two times before going back the amount that it took to make you nauseous. Hydration of your body is important, so make sure you drink 3 glasses of water at room temperature every hour. Press all the points of E7 Reflex on both palms daily for about ten minutes and take 5g of E7 Nutritional daily in hot milk or water two hours after the last application of the day.

Assuming you have graduated from the body cleansing process in which you took more and more drops of activated Elixir 7 up to a maximum of three drops holding that level for seven days, then in most cases you are now well cleared of body toxins, pathogens, poisons, heavy metals, yeast, and fungus. Take three drops twice a day, three times a week in combination with a daily regime of E7 Reflex & E7 Nutritional.

The E7 Purification System for ulcers is based on research which shows that most diseases are produced by an under-supply of various combinations of nutrients, two hours after the first application a massive dose of antioxidants are taken in a powdered health drink.

Our body requires 40 nutrients which cannot be made within the body; these include essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and amino acids.  From these nutrients our bodies synthesize over 10,000 different compounds essential in the recovery process from almost any illness. The E7 Nutritional Supplement contains more than 63 antioxidants, 21 amino acids and over 21 vitamins & minerals. E7 strikes a natural balance between oxidants and antioxidants.  We have taken a non traditional approach to ulcers offering a viable cost effective alternative to pharmaceutical drugs.

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