Saturday, June 2, 2012

High Blood Pressure Combination Therapy

The Elixir 7(E7) Purification Protocol
High Blood Pressure Combination Therapy

High blood pressure increases your chance (or risk) for getting heart disease and/or kidney disease, and for having a stroke. The arteries bring oxygen-carrying blood to the heart muscle, if the flow of blood is blocked the result is a heart attack.

As people get older, arteries throughout the body “harden,” especially those in the heart, brain, and kidneys. This, in turn, causes the heart and kidneys to work harder. The kidneys act as filters to rid the body of wastes. Over time, high blood pressure can narrow and thicken the blood vessels of the kidneys. The kidneys filter less fluid, and toxins builds up in the blood which can lead to disease.

The first step in all of the E7 Combination Therapies is to start with a detoxification to rid the body of toxins; these can accumulate in several areas of the body, including glands, digestive tract and blood stream. As toxins collect in our systems, the functions of these systems are negatively affected therefore we must first cleanse our system of impurities for the optimal functioning of our body.
Start with one drop, every hour, for five hours (five per day), for week one. The next week take two drops every hour (ten per day). Continue until you reach three drops or 15 drops per day.

If you notice nausea or diarrhoea, reduce the dose by one drop; reduce for one or two times before going back the amount that it took to make you nauseous. Hydration of your body is important, so make sure you drink 3 glasses of water at room temperature every hour. Press all the points of E7 Reflex on both palms daily for about ten minutes and take 5g of E7 Nutritional daily in hot milk or water two hours after the last application of the day.

Assuming you have graduated from the body cleansing process in which you took more and more drops of activated Elixir 7 up to a maximum of three drops holding that level for seven days, then in most cases you are now well cleared of body toxins, pathogens, poisons, heavy metals, yeast, and fungus. Take three drops twice a day, three times a week in combination with a daily regime of E7 Reflex & E7 Nutritional.

E7 Reflex views the whole body as part of the healing process, when you press the points a powerful current is sent the corresponding part of our body thereby clearing the carbon dioxide and toxins collected around the organ and helps the organ to function effectively.

Nature has provided the body with regulators and protectors; these are the seven Endocrine Glands. These seven glands are the basis of The E7 Reflex and help to build up and maintain a healthy body. This is because E7 Reflex helps 'balance' organs and tissues throughout the body and, acting through the nervous system, it can actually help strengthen and normalise the circulatory and digestive system. In this way, it can help activate the body's own healing force to strengthen the walls of the stomach and reduce the production of acid.

Thyroid Gland- Controls heart and lungs, regulates body temperature, stimulates energy production through control of calcium and phosphorus and eliminates toxins.  
Pineal Gland- Regulates water balance: Acts as a manager of all glands, controls cerebro spinal fluid, sexual desires and stimulates growth of nerves. It oversees potassium/sodium balance in the body whence affecting conditions like high blood pressure and retention of fluids.
The proper flow of cerebro spinal fluid helps keep all glands and body vitalised, strong and healthy. 
Pituitary Gland- The king of all glands it sends orders to all other glands, controls body growth and can repair the faults in other glands.
Pancreas Glands - Regulates digestion of sugar and glucose in the body by creating insulin, it can affect diabetes, low blood pressure and migraines. 
Adrenal glands - Control spleen, liver and gall bladder and assist in the creation of digestive juices and bile. They intensify the flow of blood, facilitate proper oxygenation and help regulate high blood pressure, weight management and stomach disorders.
Ovary-Testes Glands - Regulate nerves, cells, flesh, bones, bone marrow, semen, menstruation, healthy skin, weight management, hormone production and conception.

In addition to the seven Endocrine Glands we also carry out E7 Reflex on:
Lymph Glands - Controls immune health and helps clear toxins from the body.  It also helps prevent the formations of boils and accelerates tissue repair.
Solar Plexus – The controlling centre for all the organs below the diaphragm.
Kidney - Removes toxins from body. 

Vitality Point - The current of life is discharged from the body from the right hand, this point helps support immune health, promote natural energy and regulate bodily functions. 


No condition or imbalance happens overnight, most illnesses are caused by a build up of toxins due to diet and lifestyle and an under supply of essential nutrients. The signs that our body sends us start with:

Less urination– Build up of toxins

Lack of appetite - Undigested food resulting in constipation or loose movements

Lack of blood production- Impure blood supply

Lack of blood oxygenation - Carbon dioxide and toxins not cleared from vital organs

Slow functioning of vital organs - Extreme constant tiredness

Low Immune system– Prone to germs and diseases


This is why in the case of prolonged illness you find pain when you apply E7 Reflex on certain points related to the endocrine glands. Nature wants us to throw out the toxins, antigens, parasites or disease causing germs. 

The Elixir 7 Purification System helps our body in that work. When you press these points, a powerful current is sent to the corresponding part of our body clearing the carbon dioxide and toxins collected around the organ. These toxins go to the kidney and so it is also necessary to give treatment on point pertaining to the kidneys.

The E7 Purification System for high blood pressure is based on research which shows that most diseases are produced by an under-supply of various combination of nutrients, two hours after the first application a massive dose of antioxidants are taken in a powdered health drink.

Our body requires 40 nutrients which cannot be made within the body; these include essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and amino acids.  From these nutrients our bodies synthesize over 10,000 different compounds essential in the recovery process from almost any illness. The E7 Nutritional Supplement contains more than 63 antioxidants, 21 amino acids and over 21 vitamins & minerals. E7 strikes a natural balance between oxidants and antioxidants.  We have taken a non traditional approach to the malaria parasite blight offering a viable cost effective alternative to pharmaceutical drugs.

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